Changing Images is about promoting diversity in the entertainment industry. The Hollywood Networking Breakfast® is about providing networking opportunities and access to top Hollywood players. Whenever possible, we arrange to have our Guest Speaker spend one-on-one time with a lucky attendee.
The private networking time with a guest speaker or panelist will be in the form of a lunch meeting, general meeting at his or her office or shadowing him or her for part of a day – whichever is more convenient for the guest speaker/panelist. If it’s lunch, the attendee must be prepared to host — i.e., “pick up the tab.”
Wanting to meet privately with a guest speaker simply to “pick his or her brain” is not reason enough for this opportunity. Our guest speakers are professionals of the highest caliber with extremely hectic schedules, who want to give their time to someone who is “ready.” Therefore, this this unique opportunity to meet and network privately with a a guest speaker or panelist is open only to promising writers, producers, directors, actors and others with decent credits, who need — and are prepared for — the “invaluable guidance” to get to the next level. The private one-on-one meetings are not for beginners, neither are they opportunities to “pitch.” Please bear that in mind when you submit.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE!!! You are one of many applicants submitting and vying for the same opportunity — to be considered for the private meeting with the guest speaker. Your submission DOES NOT guarantee, nor entitle you to, the private meeting. If you feel it is your “right” to receive the meeting, please do not submit.
Send us your resume, photo, business card and a note (a page or less) telling us why you would like to meet with a guest speaker or particular panelist and why you feel you are the BEST candidate for this opportunity. PLEASE DO NOT SEND US YOUR DVDs, CDs, TREATMENTS, SCRIPTS, LOGLINES, SYNOPSES OR ANY OF YOUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (“unsolicited” material).
If you have already sent us your check or made an online payment and would like to be considered for this unique opportunity, you can still send us your information, by the prepaid reservation deadline. Our Hollywood Networking Breakfast® team will review the submissions and decide upon the lucky candidate. The “winner” will be announced at the breakfast, and will be introduced to the guest speaker and take a photo together. However, the “winner” will be responsible for following-up and scheduling their private meeting. Unfortunately, due to the volume of submissions, we are NOT able to offer feedback on individual submissions, before, during or after the breakfast.

Private Meeting Winner, Debbie Lollie and Producer, Cassian Elwes (“The Butler,” “Dallas Buyers Club”)
The opportunity to meet with the guest speakers for the Hollywood Networking Breakfast® is available only when the speaker has agreed to accommodate our request to meet privately with a “promising” breakfast attendee. We always let you know which speakers are able to participate, when we have that information, so check your breakfast notices carefully for that specific info.

Private Meeting Winner, Seda Melkoni and Bryce Dallas Howard (“Jurassic World,” “The Help,” “Twilight”)
Please mail the required materials by the deadline to:
Changing Images in America
P.O. Box 2688
Hollywood, CA 90078
NOTE: We are UNABLE to receive EXPRESS, CERTIFIED or REGISTERED MAIL or ANY mail that requires us to STAND IN LINE at the post office.