Changing Images In America (CHIA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, public benefit organization founded in 1996, by manager/writer/producer, Sandra Lord. The organization seeks to develop, produce and support programs that promote and embrace diversity in American culture. The organization has a special focus on the entertainment industry, in view of the tremendous ability of television, film and the news media to influence the viewpoints, perceptions and attitudes of the community at large. CHIA seeks to promote increased visibility and a more balanced imagery of the diverse groups in America. The organization is also committed to providing career-enhancement and personal growth in various other fields, through a wide range of innovative outreach, educational and networking programs.
The programs of Changing Images In America serve a broad multi-cultural constituency. All programs are conducted without regard to race, color, creed, age, sex, socio-economic status, physical challenges or impairment or national origin.